How To Improve Gut Health, And What Supplement Is Good For It?


‘You are what you eat,’ and nothing sums things up better than this quote when it comes to your gut health. There are millions and trillions of bacteria that line our stomach wall. These good bacteria’s help our body maintain a healthy balance and support the immune system keeping us safe.

Your gut health can also affect your behavior and mood very frequently. The good bacteria in our body create their micro-ecosystem, known as the microbiome. And what you are eating is what you are feeding the micro-ecosystem in your body. To maintain a balance between the microbiomes in your body, you can take gut health supplements like probiotics or Prebiotics. Both of these things help give your gut a new life.

Confused about what Prebiotics and Postbiotics are? Prebiotics are the food your microbiomes need to work efficiently, and probiotics are responsible for adding new microbes into your body.

However, maintaining good gut health doesn’t end with the consumption of Prebiotics and Postbiotics. Thus, here we will cover everything you should know to start your journey to a healthy gut, including the meaning of gut health and its importance.

Let’s get started.

What does Gut Health Mean, and Why is it Important?

There are several organs in our body that make up our gut or gastrointestinal tract (GI tract). It includes the mouth, anal canal, stomach, esophagus, small intestine, colon, and rectum. And the primary function that our gut performs is to break down all the food we eat, absorb all the essential nutrients, and get rid of the rest. The good bacteria living inside your gut that are responsible for this process are known as lactobacillus, bifidobacterium, and Bacteroides. The liver and pancreas are the two other organs that help digestion.

Good bacteria keep your gut healthy by reducing inflammation and reducing the chances of heart disease and obesity. However, some bad bacteria are also present in your gut, which can lead to bad gut health. It can cause problems like bloating and loose stools leading to an unhealthy gut.

What are the Signs of an Unhealthy Gut?

Even if your gut is properly digesting the food you eat, it does not mean that your gut is healthy. So, here are some ways in which you can figure out if your gut is in bad shape or not.

Stomach Issues, Gas, And Bloating Problems

One of the most common signs of an unhealthy gut is stomach issues. For instance, if the level of bad bacteria in your body goes higher than the good bacteria, it can lead to problems like bloating and gas. These stomach issues can also happen when the bacteria in your body are not able to break down the food.

However, you should understand that this can happen for two reasons: food intolerance and allergy. If you are facing problems like swelling in your mouth or tongue, shortness of breath, or more, it is a sign that you are allergic to that food. The only difference between food intolerance is that your body will face the same symptoms, but the severity level will be much lesser. Thus, if you are intolerant to some specific food item, you can still eat a small portion without facing much discomfort.

Read Also:- How To Improve Gut Health: 5 Effective Ways To Do It

Unintended Weight Fluctuations

If you think about it, you may notice how your gut plays a vital role in weight gain and weight loss. When you have a healthy gut, it will readily digest and absorb all the important nutrients and regularly throw away the waste. However, if your gut is not balanced, it won’t be able to break down the food, and you will gain weight very quickly.

Along with your gut, your metabolism, physical activity, and how many calories you eat daily decide how fast you gain or lose weight. If you are gaining or losing weight excessively and it becomes an issue, you should consult an expert immediately. Depending on your body’s requirements, they can prescribe some gut health supplements for weight loss or weight gain.

Insomnia And Fatigue

Are you sleeping too much, or are you facing problems falling asleep? Because both cases can be a result of bad gut health. The gut is responsible for producing serotonin in the body, which dictates our mood and sleep cycle. Serotonin can help you sleep better and improve your gut health and vice versa. Good mental health is the key to getting a good night’s sleep, which keeps the microbiome in the gut healthy. And lack of sleep because of bad mental health can cause digestive problems.

Mood Related Issues, Irritability, And Difficulty In Concentrating

According to various studies, if you have an irritable bowel disorder, you are more at risk of facing problems like depression, sleeping issues, and anxiety. Mental health problems like depression and anxiety can fire up the nerves, which is similar in the case of the GI tract. Together, these create a cycle that you can only break with the help of gut health supplements, changes in diet, and lifestyle.

Sugar Cravings

Microbes are like any other living being. Some prefer carbohydrates, some fats and dietary fiber, and some like sugar. And because of these microbes, you get food cravings. The more you start to feed those microbes, the more they begin to grow in number. And the craving cycle goes on, creating an imbalance in your gut. The sugar-craving microbes then turn into pro-inflammatory bacteria that dominate the gut, which can turn into serious health issues if not controlled in time.

Skin Problems

Skin problems are a very common telltale sign of bad gut health. When you consume a certain type of food, like ones with saturated fat or refined sugar, you may see acne on your face or body. The acne or breakouts may be the result of bacteria present in your body. If your gut is in bad health, then it can further develop into skin issues like eczema, rosacea, dandruff, and psoriasis. The microbiomes can cause inflammatory skin problems. And that is why good gut health is important to ensure that you don’t face any skin issues.

All in all, we can say that bad gut health can cause neurological and physical health problems like type 2 diabetes, degenerative brain disorders, heart diseases, and autoimmune conditions. It can also cause problems like cramps, gassiness, and bloating.

How can You Improve Your Gut Health?

There are a few ways through which you can improve your gut health. These include gut health supplements like Prebiotics, probiotics, and L-glutamine. Or you can try something homemade to help you relieve some symptoms. Let’s look at what these supplements do to improve gut health.


Prebiotics are the type of supplements that feed the good bacteria in your gut. If you take Prebiotics in the form of plants, then you get more than one benefit from it, like fiber, minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants. All these substances are good for the body and gut health. The prebiotic supplements improve digestion and give your immune system a boost. It keeps the microbiota in the gut balanced and fills all the gaps your food may be lacking.


Probiotics are known to help create a healthy immune system, healthier bowel movements, and a vaginal microbiome. Even though these supplements are very effective, you should always consult a doctor or an expert before consuming or buying anything. That is because different probiotics are available for different types of gut problems. Therefore, to get the best results from your supplements, always get your medicines prescribed so you know about the proper dosage and medicine for your problem.


L-glutamine is an essential amino acid that helps with three different aspects:

1. It is beneficial for creating and maintaining a balance of the gut microbiome.

2. It helps in the maintenance of the gut barrier by advancing the reproduction of healthy cells in the intestine.

3. The amino acid also reduces the inflammation response in the gut.

However, just like any other supplement, you should talk to an expert before taking any supplement.

Digestive Enzymes

Ideally, the body is responsible for producing enzymes that help break down all the carbohydrates, fats, and proteins in the body. Nevertheless, there are times when your body requires external support. For example, suppose you are lactose intolerant. In that case, the reason behind it is that your body is not producing enough lactate, which is essential to break down sugar particles in all dairy products. And due to that, people who consume dairy products face problems like bloating, cramping, and gas. However, if you take lactase enzymes while consuming any dairy food, then you can reduce all these symptoms.

Bone Broth

Along with supplements, you can indulge in some delicious bone broth. It is a natural glutamine source responsible for repairing and protecting the inner lining of the intestine. This dish has all the nutrients that are easily digested by the body. Furthermore, the dish also has anti-inflammatory properties. You can add bone broth to dishes like potatoes, pasta, soups, etc.

The Role of Supplements in Gut Health

Even though gut health is majorly focused on your diet, supplements play an important role in supporting the gut. The different types of supplements are responsible for different functions when it comes to maintaining good gut health. Supplements like Prebiotics and probiotics help maintain the diversity of your gut and multiply the number of good bacteria in your GI tract.

Do Supplements Actually Work for Gut Health

There are several different types of supplements that can improve your gut health. Supplements are a way of providing your body and gut with all the important things that it requires to keep your immune system healthy and strong. Supplements can create a balance inside your gut, which is essential to avoid serious physical and mental health issues.

Are Products Necessary for Good Gut Health?

Products are not necessary when it comes to keeping your gut healthy. To improve your gut health, you can add a variety of fruits and vegetables to your diet. It will keep your microbiome diverse and balanced. Moreover, you can add fermented foods to your meals to increase the good bacteria in your gut. You can even make changes to your lifestyle to improve your gut health, like doing regular workouts and learning to control your stress levels. Working out stops the toxins in the body from escaping and causing inflammation.

However, sometimes the food you eat is insufficient to provide all the necessary nutrients to your gut, which is where gut health supplements help you. A doctor or an expert can guide you in the right direction and prescribe you the best supplement that will offer you the best results.

Why Should A Doctor Prescribe These Supplements?

Supplements are easily available in the market, and you can buy the ones you want without any prescription. They are not made to treat any type of illness or disease. The only work of a supplement is to provide the things our body lacks. However, taking the wrong supplement can have negative side effects and thus should be prescribed by an expert. Also, if you are facing gut issues or any other problem in general, you wouldn’t know the exact cause of it, and taking the wrong supplement will not benefit you and may even lead to serious health issues.


Gut health supplements are important for creating a balance in the gastrointestinal tract. The gut is a place for all the bacteria that help break down food, absorb all the nutrients from it, and dispose of the rest. Thus, if you are looking for an expert who can guide you in the right direction, visit Apprize Medical.

Our experts combine conventional and modern medication to offer you the best results. We use evidence-based results, so you don’t have to face any issues later. To book an appointment at our clinic, call us at +1-305-851-2132.

Frequently Asked Questions

We have curated a list of general FAQs covering all your queries.


  • What is the fastest way to heal the gut microbiome?


There are several ways in which you can improve your gut health and boost the number of good bacteria in your gut. For example:

      1. You should avoid consuming processed food and sugar
      2. Do not take antacids
      3. Eat food that is organically and locally grown
      4. Eat fiber-rich food
      5. Take prescribed supplements to improve your gut health
      6. Try including different types of food in your diet
      7. Consume foods that are naturally fermented
      8. Stay away from artificial sweeteners


    • Do supplements help restore your gut microbiome?


When prescribed by doctors and taken consistently, gut health supplements can help restore your gut microbiome. The supplements can keep things in your gut balanced and supply all the essential food that the bacterias need to function properly.


    • What supplements promote a healthy gut?


Supplements like probiotics, Prebiotics, melatonin, collagen, and turmeric are the most prescribed supplements by a doctor. However, before taking any supplement, you should always consult a doctor, so you don’t cause any harm to your gut.


    • How do I know my gut is healing?


It is a sign of your leaky gut healing if you feel like your vitality and energy have returned. The other things that will get better with your gut include your mood and weight, and you will also feel as if your mind has cleared.


    • What kills your gut flora?


Any diet containing high sugar, fat, and low fiber consumption is bad for your gut. This type of diet can kill certain types of good bacteria, which can lower the diversity of your microbiota. Also, if you regularly use antibiotics, you should avoid them as they can kill not only the bad bacteria but also the good bacteria in your body. You should only consume medicine that your doctor or an expert prescribes.